睽違4年,Lorde釋出全新單曲〈Green Light〉

TEXT /  June Liu; PHOTO /  環球西洋;

睽違4年,被David Bowie譽為「音樂產業的未來」(the future of music)的紐西蘭創作歌手Lorde,終於推出新歌〈Green Light〉,為今夏即將推出的第二張專輯《Melodrama》大動作開跑宣傳。


▼當年才16歲,Lorde便以低沉卻帶點稚氣的嗓音,配合著滿不在乎的態度唱紅一曲〈貴族〉(Royal),諷刺主流文化常見的奢靡生活風格,讓首張專輯《天生英雌》(Pure Heroine)大賣400萬張,還順勢奪下2座葛萊美獎和1座全英音樂獎,驚豔全球樂壇。雖然這4年間,她還是曾為電影《飢餓遊戲:星火燎原》改編〈Everybody Wants to Rule the World〉、推出主題曲〈Yellow Flicker Beat〉等作品,但這二張專輯真的是讓含淚歌迷等好久。


▼帶著〈Green Light〉強勢歸來,20歲的Lorde這次藉由新歌抒發她的第一次心碎。就像MV中的演繹,女孩即使被渣男劈腿,她可以在夜晚穿梭在街上、派對中,不顧形象地發洩,但當天一亮,她就該為自己亮起綠色交通燈號,繼續前進。



I do my makeup in somebody else's car
We order different drinks at the same bars
I know about what you did and I wanna scream the truth
She thinks you love the beach, you're such a damn liar


Those great whites, they have big teeth
Hope they bite you
Thought you said that you would always be in love
But you're not in love no more
Did it frighten you
How we kissed when we danced on the light up floor?
On the light up floor


But I hear sounds in my mind
Brand new sounds in my mind
But honey I'll be seein' you 'ever I go
But honey I'll be seein' you down every road
I'm waiting for it, that green light, I want it


'Cause honey I'll come get my things, but I can't let go
I'm waiting for it, that green light, I want it
Oh, I wish I could get my things and just let go
I'm waiting for it, that green light, I want it


Sometimes I wake up in a different bedroom
I whisper things, the city sings 'em back to you


All those rumors, they have big teeth
Hope they bite you
Thought you said that you would always be in love
But you're not in love no more
Did it frighten you
How we kissed when we danced on the light up floor?
On the light up floor


But I hear sounds in my mind
Brand new sounds in my mind
But honey I'll be seein' you 'ever I go
But honey I'll be seein' you down every road
I'm waiting for it, that green light, I want it


'Cause honey I'll come get my things, but I can't let go
I'm waiting for it, that green light, I want it
Oh, honey I'll come get my things, but I can't let go
I'm waiting for it, that green light, I want it
Yes, honey I'll come get my things, but I can't let go
I'm waiting for it, that green light, I want it
Oh, I wish I could get my things and just let go
I'm waiting for it, that green light, I want it


I'm waiting for it, that green light, I want it
I'm waiting for it, that green light, I want it
I'm waiting for it, that green light, I want it
I'm waiting for it, that green light, I want it
I'm waiting for it, that green light, I want it
I'm waiting for it, that green light, I want it

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